Let’s Build Together


Masjid Al Kawthar

Welcome to our mission to build a sanctuary of faith and community. Join us in creating a sacred space where hearts unite in worship and compassion. Your support can turn our vision into reality. Together, let’s build a mosque that stands as a beacon of hope and solidarity for generations to come. Every contribution brings us closer to our shared goal. Join us in this noble endeavor.

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Build Together: Constructing a Mosque in Baltimore

Welcome to our community initiative! We are excited to share a vision that holds the potential to strengthen our community bonds and provide a sacred space for generations to come. We invite the Muslim community across the United States to join hands with us in building a mosque in Baltimore.

Our Vision

A Beacon of Unity and Faith:

Our vision extends beyond brick and mortar – it’s about creating a place that serves as a focal point for spiritual growth, community engagement, and educational enrichment. The mosque will stand as a testament to the unity and strength of the Muslim community in Baltimore.

The Project


Baltimore, Maryland: We have identified a promising location in Baltimore, Maryland, where we envision constructing a mosque that will not only cater to the spiritual needs of the community but also become a hub for cultural exchange and community development.

Transparent Planning:

Our project plan is comprehensive and transparent, detailing the construction phases, estimated costs, and the timeline. Your contributions will directly impact the realization of this important community asset.

How You Can Contribute

Financial Support:

We invite you to be a part of this noble cause by contributing financially. Every donation, no matter the size, brings us one step closer to making this vision a reality. You can donate securely through our online platform.

Spread the Word:

Share our mission with your family, friends, and community. The more people who know about our project, the greater the impact we can achieve together.

Partnerships and Collaborations:

We welcome collaborations with businesses, organizations, and individuals who share our vision. Your support can come in various forms, including material donations or in-kind contributions.

Why Support Us?

Community Enrichment:

By supporting this project, you are contributing to the enrichment of our community. The mosque will serve as a space for spiritual growth, community events, educational programs, and cultural exchange.

Legacy Building:

Participate in creating a lasting legacy for generations to come. Your support will be etched into the very foundation of the mosque, symbolizing unity, faith, and community strength.

Transparent Stewardship:

We are committed to transparency and accountability. Regular updates on the project’s progress and the use of funds will be shared with our donors and the community.

Join Us on this Journey

Your contribution matters. Together, we can build a place of worship, community, and learning that will stand as a beacon for Muslims in Baltimore and beyond.


Donate Now and Be a Part of Something Extraordinary!

Thank you for being a crucial part of our community’s journey. May this endeavor be blessed, and may our collective efforts bring us closer to realizing our dream.

For inquiries and collaborations, please contact us at info@masjidalkawthar.org.